Sara Hassan

With more than 28 years of rich and diverse experience in media, Sara Hassan has been leading the BBC News India operations to its successful heights. Having spent 16 years in the BBC, Sara has worked across different teams built expertise and led by example. Training journalists across East Asia, Central Asia, Afghanistan and South Asia, she launched the BBC’s much sought-after India Trainee Scheme back in 2018. Leading different teams in the BBC, Sara brings in a rich experience of journalism, training, change management, leadership and collaboration.

Always a champion for women's voices, Sara has been leading the BBC’s largest staff network of women (GWiN) and has been recognized as one of the "inspiring women" in the corporation.

Sara also pioneered BBC India’s work on combating Fake News in 2018 and conducted workshops across several schools and colleges for students to understand the gravity and pitfalls of disinformation and how to develop critical thinking to combat it.

Sara Hassan